Surprise is the easiest way to access hundreds of offers using your Mastercard. There you can find offers close to you, redeem your program points for one of the available offers.
The Mastercard Surpreenda program works like this: you earn 1 point for each purchase you make with your Mastercard, regardless of the amount. These points are accumulated and you can exchange for several exclusive offers. Then, just use your app at the time of purchase at partner establishments. Incredible, right?
To participate, just download the app and register. Oh, and don't forget, you can register all your Mastercard cards: Black, Platinum, Gold, Debit and Prepaid. They all participate in the program.
On your next purchase, you can go out with one product for yourself and another to give someone special. Select offers close to you, by category or partner name and redeem vouchers at the time of purchase. You can also save the redeemed vouchers in your Wallet and use them later.